OWASP Principles

The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) has some excellent recommendations for keeping your web apps safe. Adhering to these guidelines can strengthen the security of the React applications while making them less susceptible to exploits. Let’s look at how some of the most important OWASP principles translate to React apps where OWASP Training can be very helpful.

Avoid vulnerabilities like cross-site scripting (XSS) as well as SQL injection by thoroughly validating and sanitizing all user inputs. React makes use of JSX, a syntax extension for JavaScript that mimics HTML. Before rendering to the DOM, it properly escapes all user input or dynamic data. With OWASP Training, learn how all HTML tags as well as scripts are rendered as plain text, rendering them ineffective. If you want to avoid XSS vulnerabilities, don’t use the dangerouslySetInnerHTML prop.

To avoid cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks, the sanitizeInput method in this scenario strips all script tags of the user’s input.

Verifying Inputs

Notice the use of textContent on line for the output coding. 

  • Managing Sessions and Authentication

Secure your React application’s authentication as well as session management. Use industry-standard security techniques such as robust password hashing algorithms, secure storing of session currencies, and safeguards against session hijacking as well as session fixation attacks. Get OWASP Training to learn how to use proven authentication libraries as well as frameworks, such as bcrypt for secure password hashing with JWT (JSON Web Tokens) for encrypted sessions.

  • Handle Errors and Logging

Implement powerful error handling as well as logging techniques in the React application. Error messages and logs should not include any private information. If you want to keep tabs on and analyze exceptions as well as problems, you should handle them correctly and possibly log them in a single location.  With OWASP Training, learn how Sentry and similar tools can help you monitor your React applications for mistakes easily.

  • Secure Configuration

Securely set up your React app as well as its prerequisites. Always use the most recent patch releases for your components, frameworks, along with libraries. Never use the factory settings or other vulnerable setups that could put your sensitive data at risk. You can use npm audit and other tools to find and fix security issues in your project’s dependencies.

Setting up HTTPS for a React Application: 

In this example, specifying the homepagefield in package.json guarantees that the React app is displayed over HTTPS.

  • Authorization and Restricted Access

Create reliable means of controlling who can see what and do what in a system by using authorization and authentication procedures. Put into effect RBAC, the principle of least privilege, as well as other best practices in authorization. Libraries like React Router make it easier to implement security policies in your React app.

Case in point: Access Control Based on Roles

In this instance, the PrivateRoute component checks if the present user’s role is authorized for using a certain route. The user is taken to an unapproved page if their role does not permit it.

  • Data Security

If your React app will be dealing with sensitive information, be sure to use safe coding techniques. Use encryption methods for both stored and transmitted information. When storing, transmitting, or processing sensitive data, exercise caution. Use cryptographic techniques and HTTPS to safeguard private information.

Safe Data Transmission Is An Example

Strengthen the security of your applications and safeguard against prevalent weaknesses by adopting OWASP’s secure coding guidelines into the React application development procedure. 

  • It is possible to construct safe React applications with the help of OWASP’s many resources and tools. 
  • Create safe and reliable React apps by following these guidelines.
  • Keep yourself safe and alert.

  • Fail safe

Principle of information security that ensures data privacy, integrity, and accessibility through robust software that can bounce back quickly from a malfunction in either its design or implementation. Fail secure and fail safe are synonymous in the domain of software security, but they originate in the realm of physical safety.

Fail-Safe Defaults are the practice of restricting access to resources unless explicitly allowed.

  • Minimum Privilege

An approach to information security that dictates that users and programs should have only the privileges they actually need to carry out their tasks. The duration of this privilege should be kept to a bare minimum, just long enough to get the job done.

  • Limits the damage in the event of exploited vulnerability.
  • Establishing fine-grained control over access is essential for successfully implementing this idea.
  • Duties Separation

Separation of responsibilities, also known as the compartmentalization principle or separation of privilege, is a privacy principle that states which the effective completion of a single task relies upon two or more conditions, and that meeting just one of these conditions is inadequate. 

  • Mechanism-Based Economy

Since the risk of a bigger number of vulnerabilities rises with the level of complexity of the software architectural design as well as code, it is important to keep things as simple as possible.

Keeping the software’s creation and execution details basic decreases the software’s attack surface.

  • Totally Mediated

A principle of information security that requires a subject to prove their entitlement to access an object each time they make a request for that item.

Simply said, each time a subject makes a request to interact with an object, the request goes through a mediator first. “It is the responsibility of the system administrator to authorize all object accesses.”

  • What if the authorizations have evolved since the previous audit?
  • Cache invalidation and flushing mechanisms are often absent.
  • Open Designs

In contrast to security by obscurity, when the safety of the program is dependent on hiding the design, the open design security principle asserts that implementation specifics of the design ought to be independent of the design as a whole, which may stay open.

With open design, reviewing the design won’t jeopardize the software’s security measures; it will just help improve them.

“The confidentiality of the mechanism’s design or implementation shouldn’t be essential to its safety.” If information about the mechanism leaks, it will be a major setback for everyone using it at once.

Leakage of a key impacts one user only if the secrets are separated from the mechanism, as in the case of a key.

  • Rarest Possible Mechanism

When many users or processes have varying permissions, it is against the least common mechanism security concept to allow them to share the same set of mechanisms. For example, the utilization of the same function to get the bonus sum for an employee who is exempt as well as a non-exempt employee is not allowed. The process most often used to determine the bonus is the calculation itself.

  • Psychological Acceptability

The safety principle that makes it simple and unobtrusive for users to protect themselves while still benefiting from the software’s built-in protections. For this security paradigm to work, usability and openness are crucial conditions.

Security measures shouldn’t make gaining access to the resource trickier than it would be if the measure weren’t in place.

Users constantly seek workarounds and “prop the doors open” in an effort to bypass security measures.

  • Weakest Links

According to this rule of thumb, the strength of the software’s defenses against hacking attempts is directly proportional to how well you secure its weakest parts.


Defense in depth, frequently referred to as layered defense, is a security principle that emphasizes protecting against threats by implementing numerous layers of protection against potential vulnerabilities.

With OWASP Training, learn to create multiple lines of defense, such that if one fails, the others can hopefully stop an attack from succeeding.

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