Python Interview Questions and Answers 

If you are preparing to crack your Python technical interview, then you are at the right place. Here’s the list of Python Interview Questions with answers to make you expert in the language. Congratulations in advance.

1. What are the features of Python Language?

Answer: Here are the features of Python Programming Language

  • Python supports both Object Oriented and Procedure Oriented
  • Python is an interpreted language, as it uses Interpreter to convert Python source code into Machine code.
  • Python allows users to directly interact with the interpreter in the Interactive shell.
  • Python is a cross platform language which can run on any platform, Hence the language is portable or platform independent.
  • Python is absolutely user friendly because of its simplicity and indentations; which enhances the readability, maintainability of the code.
  • Python supports Graphical user interface.
  • Python is Open-source
  • Python acts as Interfaces for many databases.
  • Python is case sensitive.

2. Mention some of the real-world applications of Python Programming Language.

Answer: Here are the list of some real-world applications of Python Programming Language.

  • Web development (Server side) and internet Development
  • Desktop Graphical user interface Applications
  • Software development.
  • To connect to the database to access and modify
  • For network programming
  • To develop Games and 3D Graphics

3. What is the difference between C and Python? goedkoop quanox

                   C                  Python
1. Follows Procedure oriented Programming. 1. Follows both procedure oriented and Object oriented programming
2.Variable Declaration is must 2.Variable Declaration is not required
3.It uses Compiler 3.It uses Interpreter
4.Limited number of built-in functions 4.Robust library of built-in functions
5.C is directly compiled to machine code 5.Python code is first converted into a bytecode and then it is interpreted
6.Define particular block by curly braces 6.Define particular block by proper indentation, and curly braces are not required
7.Uses semicolon to terminate the statement 7.Semi-colons are not used

4. What are keywords, identifiers, statements in Python?

Answer: Keywords are those reserved words where a special meaning has been assigned to them and these words are restricted by the user to use them for naming variables, functions, objects and classes. And there are 33 Keywords in python 3.3.

Identifiers are usually contradictory to Keywords. It refers to the names given by the user to variables, user-defined function, classes or objects. It is of user choice to name an identifier unless the user follows the following rules.


  1. An Identifier can be a combination of lowercase letters or uppercase letters or digits or an underscore.
  2. An Identifier cannot start with a digit.
  3. An Identifier can start with underscore.
  4. Keywords can be used as identifiers.
  5. No special symbol is used except underscore.

Statements: All the instructions except the comment lines that are executed by the python interpreter are called python statements.

Example: Assignment Statements, looping statements, conditional Statements.

5. What do you understand by __init__() method in Python? Give an example.

Answer: __init__() method is similar to that of Constructors in C++, Java. __init__() is the name of the method given to a constructor in python.Usually, constructors are used to initialize an object gets invoked by itself whenever an object of respective class is created.

class Hero:

totalHeroes = 0    #class variable


#defining a constructor

def __init__(self,name,age):

#initializing instance variables



#accessing class variable within the class



h1 = Hero(“Ganesh”,35)

h2 = Hero(“Sudeep”,45)

h3 = Hero(“Yash”,35)

print(“Total number of Heroes:”,Hero.totalHeroes)

Output: Total number of Heroes : 3

6. What is a Dictionary in Python? Create a dictionary with Key “Gun Names” and 4 GunNames as Values.

Answer: Dictionary in python is a compound data type that contains the data in key:value pairs. The Key need not be integer data type always, it can be of any type. Each element in a dictionary is associated with a key.

Mydict = {‘GunNames’:(‘M24′,’M416′,’AKM’)}


{‘GunNames’: (‘M24’, ‘M416’, ‘AKM’)}

7. Give examples for Creating a data frame from a list and dictionaries.

import pandas as pd

list = [1,2,3,4,5]




0  1

1  2

2  3

3  4

4  5

>>> dict = {‘Color_name’:[‘Red’,’Orange’,’Yellow’],’count’:[12,10,25]}

>>> pd.DataFrame(dict)

Color_name  count

0        Red     12

1     Orange     10

2     Yellow     25

8. What are Classes and Objects in Python? Illustrate with an example.

Answer: Classes are something which describes the real entity, more precisely the objects. Classes are just templates or blueprint or prototypes for the objects.

The general syntax to create class in python:

class ClassName:

“Documentation String” #optional

Class definition   #Data members and Member Functions

Objects are the real world entity about which the class describes.

The general syntax to create class in python:

 ObjectName = className(argument_list)


#Illustration of classes and objects


class IllustrateClass :                #class defination

“Classes and Object Illustration”


def display(self):

Print(“This is class program”)

ic = IllustrateClass()   #object creation


9. How many types of variables are available within a class? Explain them.

Answer: There are two types of Variables can be present in  a class:

  1. Class Variables: These variables belong to a class. Class variables can be shared by all the objects of that class as they are static. Class Variables can be accessed using self within the class and using the class name outside the class.
  2. Instance Variables: These are the variables that store the values received from the objects. And the value of these variables are particular  to each object and they are generally pointed using the variable self . As instance variables are particular, we can access outside the class using object-name.

10. What are Methods and Explain the type of methods in a class in Python? scaly leg mites chickens ivermectin

Answer: Anything an Object can do is called as Object behaviour or technically we call it as Methods or Functions.

Following are the different types of Methods in a class:

1. Constructor Method:

As I have already discussed about this in the above question, constructors are usually used to initialize the object attributes. And these methods are called automatically by themselves when an object of particular class is created. __init__() is the name of the method given to a constructor in python.

And I quote the same example I mentioned above (Q.5). I recommend you not to ignore and glance at it once again.

2. Instance Method:

Similar to Instance variables, Instance methods are particular to each object that is created. The default argument that an instance method holds is self. Which is used to represent the instance of a class. The instance methods can access the class variables by using the self pointer but modification of class variables is not allowed unless they are accessed using the class name. The display method used in the above example (Q.5) is nothing but an Instance method.

3. Class Method: A class method is actually bound to class but not to objects. And the main importance of these method is that these methods can alter the values of class variables. And Moreover these methods can only operate on the class variables but not the instance variables defined in a class.The class methods are called using the class name along with a dot operator. It uses cls pointer, just like instance methods use self .

The general syntax for using the classmethod() is :


11. What is Inheritance in python?Explain the advantages of Inheritance.

Answer: It is just a process of deriving a new class from an already existing class to achieve code reusability.

The general syntax to create a derived class or to inherit a class is :

class DerivedClasdName(BaseClassName):

class definition

Advantages of Inheritance

  1. Code reusability
  2. Saves Time
  3. Enhances readability of the code
  4. Increases reliability as it makes code short
  5. Easy to debug.

These are some of the important Python interview Questions. Hope you find this useful and are able to ace your upcoming interview. ivermectina contiene aines

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Washim is an Bangladeshi tech based web blogger. Right now he writes for excellent content Android Apps, Games and much more.

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