Check These Two Things Before You Decide on Your Online App Builder.
COVID-19 made the year 2020 a fallow, terrible one in our living memory. And, hopefully, there won’t be another year to beat it. But the year had its positive side, too; it taught us not to take technology for granted. كيف تربح المال من النت
It accelerated digital transformation, threw out the businesses, and sent home business owners who are reluctant to adapt to the technology.
The pandemic conveyed the importance of adapting to changing trends in technology, and it added extra fuel to push what people have already been demanding; digital transformation!
And with more than 3.6 billion smartphone users, which is nearly half the world’s population, mobile apps are arguably the entry point to digital transformation. العاب تكسب فلوس
But not every small to medium business owner have the funds or the will to invest in developing mobile app when developing their business is their only, if not the primary goal.
So, where do you start your digital journey? How do you develop your mobile presence without draining your budget?
Until a few years back, big brands and wealthy businesses took advantage of their mobile presence to stay ahead of the curve, putting back their competitors. كيف تلعب بلاك جاك Luckily, we live in a better world than it was a few years back.
You don’t need to invest a large portion of your money in mobile app development today by signing up contracts with development agencies or maintaining an in-house team of developers.
If you’re a startup or just establishing, you can still be in your comfort zone and take a calculated move as online drag and drop apps become dominant app development platforms. And there are plenty of well-versed and popular cloud-based products around us today.
The challenge the small to medium-sized businesses have today is to choose the right app builder to establish and flourish their businesses. Out of many such checkups, here are a couple of crucial things that you need to check before you leap:
Is your app builder Apple’s 4.2.6 Guidelines safe?
User engagement makes or breaks the success of any app. But you can’t expect user engagement without your app reaching your end-users. Publishing your app on Apple’s App Store, which is the second-largest app distribution platform behind Google’s Play Store, makes sure your app has the potential to reach millions of Apple users.
Apple has stricter guidelines compared to Google, and its 4.2.6 Guideline updates created a stir among the existing and potential online app builder customers. Why?
4.2.6 Apps created from a commercialized template or app generation service will be rejected.
Chill down. Let’s see what it really means. It says about “Commercialized templates or app generators.”
What are Commercialized templates or app generators? These app creation service providers use the same template to make different apps for different businesses or other purposes with just the unique user-generated content of each company. It ended up having too many apps on the App Store with the same look and feel with different content. It is where Apple wants to put an end to, through this guideline update.
What are NOT Commercialized templates or app generators? When you work with sophisticated app builders such as AppyPie, Zappter, or Buildfire, there is no way that your app is going to come under one of these mentioned in this guideline update.
These sophisticated app makers are advanced, and they can create unique apps with all the features and functionalities to support every business need through their pluggable libraries.
And app builders like Zappter can customize every little bit of your design to align with your branding needs just as custom development with the sophistication of using drag and drop.
Can your app builder make apps to reflect your brand?
Choose an app builder that can build apps to cover all your business functionalities and make your users identify your brand at first glance.
Briefly, it should have the capability to handle heavy customization of your app design.